The Saloum Islands are a beautiful and calm town located on the Saloum Delta in the central region of Senegal, near the border with the Gambia. It is considered Senegal’s Hidden Gem, and offers a more tranquil atmosphere for those who would like to relax along the water or watch the birds while still being immersed in Senegalese culture.

The Saloum Islands consist of several small towns of approximately 3,000 people but offers a wide range of activities for cultural and environmental enthusiasts. The stunning sunsets, mangroves and colorful birds provide a serene backdrop for a town that always has something going on. Between drum circles and lessons, wrestling matches, bird watching, and boating, there is always something to do and see in Toubacouta. Off its coast, Toubacouta boasts a World Heritage Site, an island made entirely of shells with an ancient baobab tree. You can also enjoy an island where various birds will congregate for the night. Travelers can also visit other islands located in the delta, spending a day with locals eating fresh fish, shrimp and oysters. In the evening, tourists can take a nighttime stroll under the stars or take a dip in the water and see the bio-luminescence illuminate the otherwise dark waters. Toubacouta is the ideal melding of wildlife opportunities, water-living and cultural opportunities. Toubacouta is a little-known tourist local that is a bit more off the beaten path but still offers all the amenities of a more developed town. Toubacouta has something to offer every type of tourist.


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